You are here because you want to know more about me. Who is Samy Tshileu? This is a great question to start with during this introductory month. But allow me to acknowledge God first. The person who created me in His image. The person who watches and protects me even when I don’t notice. The One whom I live for. The One who gave me the gift of life; without it, there was no Samy Tshileu.
In a professional setting, Samy Tshileu is a Congolese writer, motivational speaker, humanitarian, and entrepreneur. Tshileu uses his life experiences to magnify God, empowers people to overcome life difficulties, and encourages humans to open their eyes to see the Truth. He uses a combination of adversities endured, negativities thrown at him, life experiences, and scriptures to spread positivity and joy to all ages. He utilizes his God-given gifts and talents to make a difference in communities where living conditions are really harsh. He inspires hope and encourages people to live a life that glorifies God.

All the above did not just happen; it was a long process that involved God’s hand. I am glad somebody took this picture. A picture that I would like to engrave in your head when you think of me or when you hear my name. And this book will show you how far I have come. A book that could inspire you to be better, dream big, work hard, break barriers, and most importantly put God first because without Him I am nothing, you’re nothing and you’re going nowhere.
Spiritually, I like to associate myself with the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, The Son of God, who died on the cross for my sins. And I am a work in process whose yet to reach my full potential in his teaching. But I am patient; I am learning every day. In God’s time, all will come together. I pray for knowledge, wisdom, and strength to do what God is calling me to do.

Realistically, these pictures show you the progress I have made so far with the help of those whom God has put in my life. My hope for this transformation is to inspire you that one day you can be somebody. I get it! You and I might be from different continents and face different issues or obstacles but you can still benefit from my work to gain inspiration for your journey. I did not get where I am today on my own. Hard work, determination, passion, discipline, drive, and support from family and godly friends are all words to describe my journey. And God used people to guide, advise, feed me, and many more to make sure that the plans He has for me will be fulfilled. I hope you can invite God in your life to do the same.
Philosophically, I am a religious thinker who utilizes his life experiences and African Philosophy to inspire people and provide solutions to issues facing people today throughout the world. I am also exploring Western Philosophy and challenging misleading and deceptive established norms.
Educationally, I will keep learning every day whether it is through established institutions or other means of obtaining knowledge. At the moment, I am working on creating a curriculum to help people who are like I once was. People in less developed communities. This curriculum aims at introducing ideas and providing potential solutions to combat real-world issues such as poverty, and lack of food or clean water.
My work aims to address issues such as tribalism, polygamy, black magic, witchcraft, poverty, inequality, terrorism, basic human needs, food, human rights, discrimination, clean water, hunger, racism, and social justice. And surely, I will evolve.
You have read this far, which is good. Thank you. If you want to learn more about my journey and my work check out my books. The Boy in Red Shorts is already out for you to enjoy the stories and knowledge intended to inspire you. A paperback copy can be purchased on Born to Inspire Media website, while ebooks can be purchased on Google Play books, Amazon, and soon to be on Apple books and Barns & Noble. A Man With a Plan is coming your way before the end of the year. A release date will be announced in the near future. Sign up so that you won’t miss out.
Before I let you go, allow me to ask you. Is everything going well in your community? Yes, is probably not the truth. And if your answer is no, what are doing about it?
God Bless. Peace.